Authorized supplier to the Government of Canada

A New Type of Company
Driven by System Thinking...

A paradigm of System Thinking is a model of thought, a different way of seeing something already seemingly familiar.

Microsoft Architecture Review Board:
was impressed with the innovations in OpenFrame Framework"
(Microsoft Architecture Certification Session, Munich, Germany, May 2008)

Business Services

Analysis - Intelligence - Architecture - Transformation

We all know the metaphor of being able to step back far enough from trees (details) to be able to see the forest (the whole). But unfortunately for most of us when we step back we just see "lost of trees". We pick our favourite one or the one closest and focus our attention and efforts for change on those. The art of systems thinking lies in seeing through complexity to the underlying structures generating change.

The increasing complexity of today’s business leads many managers to assume that they lack information they need to act effectively. We would suggest that the fundamental information problem faced by managers is not too little information but too much information. What today’s and tomorrow’s managers most need are ways to know what is important and what is not important, what variables to focus on and which to pay less attention to – and they need ways to do this which can help groups and teams to develop shared understanding.

Our Clients »

Unique Business Services We Provide

  • Business Intelligence & Systems Analysis »
  • Business Professional Consulting »
  • Business Management & Capacity Planning »
  • Business Architecture and Transformation »
  • Organizational Dynamics »
  • Organizational System Disciplines »

Business Architecture

OpenFrame Technologies, Inc. provides clients with a comprehensive range of services in the full life-cycle of business analysis, conceptual, logical, and physical architecture of organizations.

Because We Know How

It's is a quite a new term. Strictly speaking, it means re-instatement of organizational business processes the right way. We are proficient in organizing framework of a business that describes a structure and human resources to build such a structure. We create blueprints of the enterprise that provide a common understanding of the organization and is used to align strategic objectives and tactical demands. We design Business Architecture that articulates the structure of an enterprise in terms of its capabilities, governance structure, business processes, and business information. The business capability is 'what' the organization does, the business processes, are 'how' the organization executes its capabilities. In articulating the governance and information, we consider all external actors to an enterprise (including its customers, suppliers, and regulators), to ensure that flow in and out of the enterprise are captured.

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Call us at: 514-505-0548

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